2021-2022 HCDSB Korean Credit Program - Remote Learning
HCDSB offers the Monday Night Korean Credit Program starting this September. Secondary International Language Credit Courses are...

2021 Fall Virtual Korean Language Program
The Korean Education Centre is pleased to offer the Fall term virtual Korean Language Program who would like to learn the Korean language...

2021 TDSB Summer Online International Language Elementary: Korean (JK-G8)
Toronto Public District School Board - The International Language Program will be offering remote language classes to students (TDSB and...

DCDSB Elementary Korean Summer Program
DCDSB is pleased to offer students in Grade 1-8 in Ontario the Korean Summer Program. The program will be offered from July 5th-30th for...

2021 Spring Virtual Korean Language Program
The Korean Education Centre is pleased to offer the Spring term virtual Korean Language Program who would like to learn the Korean...

Information about 2021 Korean Homeland Education (K-HED) - Spring
What is the Korean education program for overseas Korean? 'Korean Homeland Education (K-HED)' is an education program for overseas...

TDSB Online Korean Program 2020-2021: Register now
Dear Parents, Guardians, and/or Caregivers: I hope you and your family are doing well and your child’s day school routines are going...

2021 Winter Virtual Korean Language Program
The Korean Education Centre is pleased to offer the Winter term virtual Korean Language Program who would like to learn the Korean...

Financial Statement for 2020 Fall Korean Language Program
Financial Statement for 2020 Fall Korean Language Program

HWDSB Korean Credit Program - Online
The Hamilton Wentworth District School Board offers remote Korean credit courses. Date & Times of Remote Learning Sessions - Period:...