Introducing the 2024-2025 Korean Credit Courses for High School Students
Regional District School Boards are offering International Language - Korean Credit throughout the 2024-2025 school year The Education...
2024 Korean Immersion Camp for Secondary Students
Korean Education Affairs Section (Korean Consulate General) offers the Korean Language & Culture Immersion Camp for Grade 9 to Grade 12...
2023-2024 Korean Credit Program for High School Students
Regional District School Boards are offering International Language - Korean Credit throughout the 2023-2024 school year Korean Education...
2023-2024 School Year TDSB Korean Credit Course
"Exciting News! Registration for the Toronto District School Board's Korean credit program is NOW OPEN for high school students (Gr.9 to...
2023 International Languages -Elementary/African Heritage Summer Program: Korean (JK-G8)
Toronto Public District School Board - The International Language Program will be offering the Summer Campp to students (TDSB and...
The 87th TOPIK - Test of Proficiency in Korean
1. Test Date: 2023. 4. 8 (Sat) 2. Test Schedule: See the table below 3. Test Location: York University ACW 205 89 York Blvd, North York...
CATK - 4th Annual Conference of Canadian Association of Teachers of Korean
Implementing Standard-based teaching, learning, and assessment in Korean Education Keynote speaker: Hae-Young Kim, Ph.D (Duke University)...
2022 Fall Virtual Korean Language Program
The Korean Education Centre is pleased to offer the Fall term virtual Korean Language Program who would like to learn the Korean language...
2022-2023 TDSB Korean Credit Course Now Open
We are happy to announce that Toronto District School Board Korean Course Registration is now open! Come and experience the Korean...
Korean Classes from the Thomas Merton Centre Tour Seoul, Korea Virtually!
Ms. Choi and Ms. Kang’s Korean classes at the Thomas Merton Adult and Continuing Education Centre (HCDSB) participated in a virtual live...