2021-2022 캐나다 고등학교 한국어반 (Credit Program)
캐나다한국교육원에서는 한국어반 (Credit Program)을 수강하는 학생들에게 장학금, 한국문화체험, 한국여행 (일부 본인부담/일부 정부지원) 등 다양한 혜택을 드립니다. 각 지역 교육청 홈페이지에서 지금 등록할 수 있습니다. 등록방법:...
2021-2022 Korean Credit Program for High School Students
Regional District School Boards are offering International Language - Korean Credit throughout 2021-2022 school year Korean Education...
[Cheongju University] Study in Korea Fair Spotlight Series
▶ Introduction to Cheongju University Cheongju University is a renowned school located in the Central Region of Korea, within Cheongju...
Your Guide to Studying in Korea 2021-2022
▶ National Institute for International Are you just beginning your study in Korea research? The "Guide to Studying in Korea" provided by...
[DGIST] 2022 Graduate School Admissions Guide
▶ Introduction to DGIST DGIST (Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology) started as a research institute in 2004 and was...
[Sungkyunkwan University] Global & Asia University Rankings
▶ Introduction to Sungkyunkwan University Did you know that Sungkyunkwan University has a history spanning over 600 years? Sungkyunkwan...
2021-2022 할톤카톨릭교육청 고등학생 대상 한국어 (Credit Program) - 온라인
할톤카톨릭교육청에서는 고등학생 대상 월요일 저녁 한국어 Credit Program을 Online으로 진행합니다. - 기간: 2021년 9월 20일 ~ 2022년 6월 13일 - 시간: 오후 6시 ~ 오후 9시 - 레벨: Level 1 (LKK...
2021-2022 HCDSB Korean Credit Program - Remote Learning
HCDSB offers the Monday Night Korean Credit Program starting this September. Secondary International Language Credit Courses are...