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Your Guide to Studying in Korea 2021-2022

▶ National Institute for International

Are you just beginning your study in Korea research?

The "Guide to Studying in Korea" provided by the National Institute for International Education is an excellent resource to get you started on your journey to studying in Korea. The Guide features:

  • Steps of the Study in Korea Application Process

  • Life in Korea Testimonials by International Students

  • Korean Cultural Life Guide

▶ Guide (Double Click for Full Screen View)

▶ Questions and News

Korean Education Centre in Canada

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▶ Need Study in Korea Application Consulting?

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Education Affairs Section

Consulate General of

the Republic of Korea in Toronto

555 Avenue Road , Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 2J7 

T. 416-920-3809 / F. 416-924-7305 


Copyright ⓒ Consulate General of the Republic of Korea (Education Affairs Section)

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