2023 International Languages -Elementary/African Heritage Summer Program: Korean (JK-G8)
Toronto Public District School Board - The International Language Program will be offering the Summer Campp to students (TDSB and non-TDSB) from Kindergarten to Grade 8 (as of Sep 2023).
2023 TDSB Summer Camp Elementary: Korean
Period: July 4 - July 28, 2023
School: McKee PS
Location: 35 Church Ave
Program Schedule AM 9:00 - 11:30 AM, Monday to Friday
Who: Senior Kindergarten (as of Sept 2023) to Grade 8 students (TDSB and non-TDSB)
Cost: $20 materials fee
Registration Information:
Registration Requirements: Ontario Education Number (OEN) and OHIP card is required.
OEN can be found at the top of your child’s report card.
OHIP card is needed to verify the student’s name and date of birth.
Online Registration: www.ileprograms.ca
Registration date: Now open
Registration closes: June 23, 2023.
In-Person Registration:
When: Saturdays 9:30 -11:00 AM (until June 17)
Where: Cummer Valley MS (70 Maxome Ave)
When: Thursdays 4:00 -5:30 PM (until May 18)
Where: McKee PS (35 Church Ave)
Optional Non-TDSB Afternoon Cultural
Program Schedule PM: 11:30 am – 4:00 pm (immediately after TDSB language program), Monday - Friday.
Registration and more information: Korean: info@koreanschools.org or phone 647-746-3706
For more information on other ILE Summer locations visit www.ileprograms.ca or call/email 416-338-4100, ile_ah@tdsb.on.ca