2019 Spring Korean Intermediate [Culture&History]
4월 23일 (화)
|#204 - Love Toronto Centre
2019 Spring Korean Intermediate [Culture&History] - Talking about Culture & History & Korean Skit April 23, 2019 - June 25, 2019 Every Tuesday, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Location: Leslie Dexter Plaza (Love Toronto Centre) 5914 Leslie Street, Unit #204, Toronto, ON
![2019 Spring Korean Intermediate [Culture&History]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2a1d23_ac8e29b0a0f34e0894f3fdad7fd9d869~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_980,h_552,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/2a1d23_ac8e29b0a0f34e0894f3fdad7fd9d869~mv2.jpeg)
![2019 Spring Korean Intermediate [Culture&History]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/2a1d23_ac8e29b0a0f34e0894f3fdad7fd9d869~mv2.jpeg/v1/fill/w_980,h_552,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/2a1d23_ac8e29b0a0f34e0894f3fdad7fd9d869~mv2.jpeg)
시간 및 장소
2019년 4월 23일 오후 6:30 – 2019년 6월 25일 오후 8:30
#204 - Love Toronto Centre, 5914 Leslie St, North York, ON M2H, Canada
이벤트 소개
2019 Spring Korean Intermediate [Culture&History]
- Talking about Culture & History & Korean Skit
Learn the Korean language in a supportive and relaxed environment.
Enjoy learning about the culture and language while building your vocabulary and pronunciation.
The Korean Language courses are an introduction to an intermediate level conversational language.
Students will learn intermediate communication, Skit, Korean Calligraphy, Dance, games, and much more.
* Seats are limited / registration will be confirmed on a first-come, first served basis
* Decisions to run courses are based on sufficient student enrollment. (Minimum enrollment to run the program is 16 per class)
* Korean Education Centre in Canada offers Korean Language Classes for free. $50 is a registration fee, not tuition.
* Please be advised that the registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Class registration is confirmed based on paid registration.
Intermediate Conversation
Korean Education Centre in Canada offers Korean Language Classes for free. $50 is a registration fee, not tuition. Please be advised that the registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Class registration is confirmed based on paid registration. Seats are limited; registration will be confirmed on a first-come, first served basis.
CA$50.00할인 종료