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Information about 2022 Korean Homeland Education (K-HED) - Fall

What is the Korean education program for overseas Korean?

'Korean Homeland Education (K-HED)' is an education program for overseas Koreans made to cultivate the ethnic identity of overseas Koreans and help next-generation overseas Koreans to grow into global talents.

This program comprises the Korean language, Korean culture, and Korean history classes, as well as field learning. K-HED is the only long-term education program for overseas Koreans in the nation that provides career guidance and a network of overseas Koreans.

□ Recruitment Information

◦ Application Period for Spring Term: May 2 ~ June 17, 2022 (*Based on Korean time)

◦ Course Details:

- University Preparation Course (Fall), Understanding Korea Course (Fall), Online Education (Fall)

◦ Course Description:

- University Preparation Course: Operation of 'Admission focus class' to enter a Korean university and 'Korean language focus class' to improve Korean language proficiency

- Understanding Korea Course: Customized Korean language education to improve communication skills in everyday life

- Online Education course: Operation of the Online education system to study efficiently in everyday life

◦ How to apply & Qualification: See the attachments

* Remarks:

◦ Final results will be sent by email

◦ (Inquiry) Kongju National University, Institution of Korean Culture & Education

- (Call) +82-41-850-6031, (Email)

(모집요강) Information about 2022 KOREAN HOMELAND EDUCATION_영어
PDF 다운로드 • 11.21MB
(지원서식) Korean Homeland Education Application Form_영어
DOCX 다운로드 • 25KB

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Education Affairs Section

Consulate General of

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T. 416-920-3809 / F. 416-924-7305 


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