Information about 2020 Korean Homeland Education (K-HED) - Fall Program
What is the Korean education program for overseas Korean?
'Korean Homeland Education (K-HED)' is an education program for overseas Koreans made to cultivate the ethnic identity of overseas Korean sand help next-generation overseas Koreans to grow into global talents. This program comprises the Korean language, Korean culture, and Korean history classes, as well as field learning. K-HED is the only long-term education program for overseas Koreans in the nation that provides career guidance and a network of overseas Koreans.
□ Recruitment Information
◦ Application Period for Fall Term: July 15 ~ August 14
◦ Program period:
- University Entrance Preparation Course: ’20.10.8.~’21.1.28 (4 months)
- Understanding Korea Course: ’20.10.8.~11.25. (2 months)
◦ Documents submitted
① Application Form (Prescribed)
② Study Plan (Prescribed)
③ Graduation Certificate (Expectant) for Highest Level of Education
④ Transcript for Highest Level of Education
⑤ Certificate of Overseas Korean
⑥ Photocopy of Passport
⑦ Certificate of Descendant or Family of Independence Patriot (if applicable)
⑧ Proof of Scholarship (if applicable)
* Qualifications
[University Entrance Preparation Course]
Overseas Koreans who completed 12 years of formal education in the respective nation (or equivalent educational background) and was
recommended by the head of a diplomatic agency
- Focus on Entrance: Students who are aiming to enter a Korean university
- Focus on Koran Language: Students who are aiming for a high level of proficiency in Korean
[Understanding Korea Course]
Overseas Koreans who graduated from elementary school or higher in the respective nation (or equivalent educational background) and was recommended
by the head of a diplomatic agency
◦ (Inquiry) Kongju National University, Institution of Korean Culture & Education
- (Call) +82-41-850-6031, (Email)
◦ (Documents Submission) Korean Education Centre in Canada
- (Call) 416-920-3809 ext 242, (Email)
