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[Chung-Ang University] Study in Korea Spotlight Series

▶ Introduction to Chung-Ang University 📘

With two campuses in Seoul and Anseong, Korea, Chung-Ang University (CAU) offers a wide range of bachelor’s, masters, and doctoral programs including a law and medical school. CAU is also recognized as a national leader in the pharmacy, culture, and art education fields. For more on Chung-Ang University, read their International Admissions Guide & Language Programs Brochure below!

▶ Spring 2022 Undergraduate Admissions Guide (For International Students)

▶ CAU Language Programs Brochure (Click for Fullscreen View)

▶ Promotional

▶ Contact

Chung-Ang University

Korean Education Centre in Canada

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Education Affairs Section

Consulate General of

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