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University of Waterloo - Info on Exchange Opportunities in Korea

▶ What is Exchange?

Bilateral exchanges are formal partnership agreements between the university in which you attend and another university (can be anywhere else in the world). Students have the opportunity to study at the partner university for a semester/year while still paying their tuition and ancillary fees to their current university.

▶ Exchange Partner Schools in Korea

The University of Waterloo offers its undergraduate students 5 partner schools in Korea. These schools are:

  • Ewha Womans University (Seoul)

  • KAIST: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Daejeon)

  • Pohang University of Science and Technology (Pohang)

  • Seoul National University (Seoul)

  • Yonsei University (Seoul)

▶ Deadlines

Mandatory Info Session: May-Jul.

Exchange Applications: Early-Nov.

*Please note the deadlines above are subject to change by the university at any time. For the latest information, please reference the official university website (link below).

▶ Application Process

  1. Research Schools

  2. Submit an Exchange Application to your school's International Programs Office

  3. Confirm your acceptance

  4. Apply to the Host University in Korea

  5. Pre-Departure Programming

  6. Departure

*Please note the application process above may slightly vary by university. For the most accurate and latest information, please reference the official university website (link below).

▶ Contacts

University of Waterloo's International Office

Korean Education Centre in Canada

For the latest news on Exchange in Korea, follow us @koreducation

▶ Need Exchange Application Consulting?


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