TCDSB Korean Credit Program - Online
The Toronto Catholic District School Board offers remote Korean credit courses.
Date & Times of Remote Learning Sessions
- Period: Saturday, October 17, 2020 ~ Saturday, June 12, 2021
- Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
- Course offered: Level 1 (Beginner), Level 2 (Intermediate), Level 3 (LKK DU1)
- Eligibility: Grade 10 ~ 12 (current TCDSB / non-TCDSB students)
- To register
* Current TCDSB student:
Save/download and complete a registration form or visit your guidance department for a blank registration form. Submit a completed registration form to your day school guidance counselor.
After submitting a completed registration form, obtain a Continuing Ed. timetable print-out from your guidance counselor. This is the confirmation receipt that you have been registered successfully.
* Non-TCDSB student: Online registration
This is a course request registration site. By entering this site you are submitting a request to be considered for registration.
You are not officially registered into the course until you have submitted the necessary paper work.
An acceptance to register email will only be sent to your provided email address if we have space to accommodate you into the course that you have requested
Attachment: TCDSB student: Registration Form
Attachment: Code of Behaviour
- TCDSB Korean Credit Program Poster