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TaLK Prospectus 2021-2022

■ 2021-2022 TaLK Scholarship Term

The currently offered scholarship term is available for one 6-month period, which extension possibilities should they may be made available in the future.

- Contract Period - 6 Month or 1 year

: 1 year contract: August 1, 2021 - July 31, 2022

: 6 month contract: August 1, 2021 - January 31, 2022

■ Eligibility

1. Nationality

o Citizens of Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom or the

United States of America

o Overseas Koreans who are permanent residents in one of the aforementioned countries

o Korean citizens who have lived in one of the aforementioned countries as temporary residents for at least 8 years (with the intention of obtaining permanent residency), and who have completed both primary and secondary education in that country.

2. Education

Bachelors degree candidates who have completed at least two (2) years of undergraduate education, or Associates degree holders who completed their education at an accredited post-secondary institution in one of the aforementioned countries.

o Applicants completing the last semester of the second year are eligible to apply, but the final decision will not be made without the final official transcript indicating completion of two (2) years of undergraduate study.

o Applicants with an Associates degree or completing their final semester are eligible to apply, but the final decision will not be made without the final official transcript with the date of degree conferment indicated.

o Recent graduates and graduate students

o Overseas Koreans in their 1st or 2nd year of undergraduate study are eligible if they qualify for the F-4 visa or hold Korean citizenship.

o Applicants with a degree not listed above must have their institution provide an official letter along with the official transcript to verify the following:

- Date of Degree Confer

- Duration of the Program (Must be at least 2 years)

- Higher Education Accreditation

3. Qualifications

o Have a strong command of verbal and written English

o Meet the criteria of eligibility for one of the following visas:

E2-2 (Public Institution Foreign Language Instructor) or F-4 (Overseas Korean).

* Korean citizens do not need a visa.

o Be mentally and physically healthy and capable of performing assigned duties and responsibilities.

** Upon arrival in Korea, all TaLK scholars will undergo a mandatory medical checkup, inclusive of drug and AIDS testing. If a scholar does not satisfy the health requirements, his/her scholarship will be rescinded.

■ Job Description & Responsibility

1. General Information

TaLK scholars are required to participate in an online pre-orientation and on-site four (4)-week orientation program and are prohibited from engaging in any activity (including other part-time jobs) not stated in their contract for the entire duration of the contract. Furthermore, the duties of the TaLK scholars are carried out under the guidance of the supervisor designated by the Provincial Office of Education (hereinafter "POE").

2. Job Description

o Teach English in after-school classes in the elementary school designated by the POE during the term of the scholarship.

o Prepare teaching materials and activities for English language education.

o Assist with activities related to English language education and other extracurricular activities organized by the school, the POE, or the community.

3. Teaching Hours

o Monday through Friday, 15 teaching hours per week (not inclusive of preparation and commute times)

o Class schedule is subject to change based on the schools' needs.

o TaLK scholars may be assigned to more than one school.

o TaLK scholars are expected to show up at least an hour before class instructions to prepare for their lessons. Class preparation and commute time are not considered overtime.

■ Benefits

1. Monthly Stipend (*subject to Korean tax withholding)

Payment of the monthly stipend - a fixed amount of 1,500,000 Korean Won (KRW) - will be provided starting at the end of the first month that scholars teach. The dates for orientation are not compensated financially, but instead, housing, training, and meals are covered by the TaLK Program.

2. Settlement Allowance (one-time payment)

A fixed amount of KRW 300,000 is given soon after arrival at elementary school.

3. Housing or Fixed Monthly Rent

The POE will decide the type of housing for each scholar. A monthly housing settlement (a fixed fee of KRW 400,000) may be provided instead of a scholar wishes to make his or her own housing arrangement before his or her arrival in Korea. Any fees, charges, taxes and expenses incurred in using the apartment shall be borne by the scholar.

4. Entrance Allowance & Exit Allowance

The Entrance/Exit allowances of KRW 1,300,000 will be provided upon the commencement and completion, respectively, of the Scholarship Term.

5. Medical Insurance Coverage

All TaLK scholars are provided the Study Abroad Health Insurance Plan during the TaLK scholarship period. Each POE reserves the right to choose the type of insurance plan for their TaLK scholars and the scholars must adhere to the decisions made by their POE.

100% reimbursement is not applicable under the Study Abroad Health Insurance Plan. Medical insurance coverage does not begin until the school registers their scholars for an Alien Registration Card (ARC).

Vacation Days (Per Term): 7 Business Days/6 Month

6.Vacation & Sick Leave

Vacation leave must be requested at least 15 days in advance and must be authorized by the Principal.

Under no circumstances should any TaLK scholar be absent without notifying the mentor teacher. A doctor's medical report (or a physician's note) must be submitted if sick leave is taken for three (3) or more calendar days. All class periods missed due to sick leave must be made up.

7. TaLK Orientation

The online pre-orientation training and on-site orientation are designed to give TaLK scholars the foundation they need to make a successful start in their teaching career and life in Korea.

Each participant will have the opportunity to learn about life as a TaLK scholar and a chance to have his/her questions and concerns be answered during the on-site orientation period. They will also have the opportunity to meet with their POE supervisor, mentor teacher and Korean scholar(s).

o Online Pre-orientation: Must be completed before their entry into Korea.

o TaLK On-site Orientation: 6 Month Contracts: Early February Start for 18 Days

All expenses including food, accommodation and participation in activities during the on-site orientation will be covered by the TaLK Program. If, for any reason, a scholar fails to complete the orientation, it will be considered as a breach of the scholarship term, thereby prohibiting them from further participation in the program.

8. Buddy System

POE-designated co-scholars (Korean university students) may be present to teach cooperatively with the Overseas TaLK Scholar. This is subject to availability.

9. Government Scholarship Certificate

A certificate of Korean Government Scholarship will be awarded at the end of the scholarship term to those who have successfully completed their term in the TaLK Program.

10. Cultural Experience Programs

Programs for experiencing the Korean culture may be arranged by each respective POE. Cultural experiences can be held on the weekends or weekdays under the POEs discretion.

■ Application Process

1. Apply Online -

※ Application Deadline: May 10, 2021

Submit Application A, Application B & a photo ONLINE at

2. Preliminary Screening

Korean Education Centre will contact you via e-mail to set up an interview.

(Interview Location: Korean Education Centre at the Korean Consulate General in Toronto)

3. Submission of additional materials

Applicants will be asked to bring their required documents when they come for their initial interview.

※ Checklist of Items Required for a Complete Application

**The following application documents and support materials must be received by the application offices by the set deadline.


1. Application Part A: Applicant Profile & Photo

o Information on Emergency Contact, Education, and Work Experience must be fully provided.

o A hand-written signature is required at the bottom of the application.

o A passport-type, headshot picture with a solid background is required for international safety and identification purposes.

o Applicants residing in Ireland or South Africa or in Korea at the time of application must select "Seoul " as their "Location of the Application Office."

2. Application Part B: Personal Essay & Self Medical Assessment

o The type-written essay should be a minimum length of 700 words and a maximum length of 1,000 words.

o A hand-written signature is required at the bottom of the medical self-assessment.

o A doctor's note is required only for any medical condition that requires special attention. A doctor's note form is available at under the "Required Documents" section.

3. Application Support Materials

A Lesson Plan **This document will give the application evaluates an idea of the applicants awareness of their future role as instructors.

o Estimated duration: 40 minutes

o Creativity, research, and a thorough understanding of lesson activities must be displayed.

o Key Expressions: Useful conversational phrases that students will have command over by the end of the lesson.

o Development: Thorough, step-by-step description of three (3) core activities that incorporate key expressions.

o In addition to the subject that you will be teaching (the "what"), elaborate on the steps you need to take (the "how") to ensure your students have fully understood and can freely use the key expressions.

o Provide worksheets if you intend to use them (either include them in the lesson plan on a new page, or attach them as separate documents).

4. Two Recommendation Letters (Signed and Sealed)

o Preferably from a professor, or current/former employer

o Invalid if e-mailed, faxed, photocopied, or opened

o Invalid if recommendations are made by family members or friends

o Invalid if recommended by high school teachers unless the applicant is in his/her first semester in college.

o If hand-carried to the application office, a stamp or signature must be on the back flap of the envelope.

o For returning scholars, one of the letters must be written by their former mentor teacher.

5. An Official School Transcript (Stamped and Sealed)

o The transcript must bear the college seal, date, and appropriate signature.

o If hand-carried to the application office, the school seal, stamp, or signature must be on the back flap of the envelope.

o [Note] Korean citizens who are not permanent residents in one of the aforementioned countries must also submit a Verification Letter of Education (or Transcript) from their primary and secondary schools from their country of current residence. In the Verification Letter of Education, the duration of attendance at the school must be indicated as well as the signature of the appropriate school administrator.

6. A Letter of Pledge (Signed)

This document is for informational use only and is a placeholder until we receive your actual Criminal Record Check.

7. An Apostilled, Nationwide Criminal Record Check *Mandated by the Ministry of Justice of Korea

been residing in the same state since the beginning of high school.

- **Canadian applicants must get their CRCs notarized at their nearest Korean Embassy/Consulate.

o CRC must be issued within six (6) months from the application submission date.

**The TaLK Office will not provide the Entrance and Exit allowances to those who do not submit this document. Failure to submit this document may also result in a deportation order.

8. A copy of the Passport Photo Page

9. A copy of the Permanent Residency Certificate (for Korean Nationals)

※ Deadlines for the Submission of required documents: May 10, 2021

※ Earlier applicants will have a higher chance to be selected and positions may all be filled before the Phase 4 deadline.

4. Final screening by TaLK Office in Seoul, Korea

※ The final decision is made by the TaLK Office in Seoul, Korea. Although your records may meet the minimum criteria for admission, your application may not be successful if your file is not competitive with the rest of the applicant pool. Korean Education Centre and the TaLK office will not respond to any inquiries regarding unsuccessful applications.

❍ Korean Education Center

555 Avenue Road Toronto ON M4V 2J7

(Tel) 416-920-3809 (Ext. 242)


❍ Seoul TaLK Office



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Education Affairs Section

Consulate General of

the Republic of Korea in Toronto

555 Avenue Road , Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 2J7 

T. 416-920-3809 / F. 416-924-7305 


Copyright ⓒ Consulate General of the Republic of Korea (Education Affairs Section)

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