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2020 Korean Credit Program Video & Poster Contest

The Korean Education Centre opens up submissions for the 2020 Korean Credit Program Video & Poster Design Contest.

The contest’s mission is to encourage students who are currently enrolled in Korean Credit Programs to share their experiences with others. Also, the published winning works will bring together potential students who want to learn Korean in Ontario, contributing to a better understanding of what Korean Credit Programs are in Ontario. We are looking forward to discovering inspirational creators and their incredible works.

Hosted & Organized by: Korean Education Centre

1. Eligibility

○ 2019/2020 Current Korean Credit Program Students

- Must be enrolled in the Korean Credit Program in Ontario currently

- Former students or not currently enrolled students won’t be eligible

2. Genres & Topics

Video Submission [Individual]

- Content style: Free (Speaking, singing, dancing, rapping, music video etc)

- Topic as My ‘Korean Credit Program’ episodes or My experience of learning Korean

Video Submission [Group/School]

- Introduce Korean Credit Program at YOUR SCHOOL

- Promotional video for Korean Credit Program

- Must include the name of school, class information, school address & name of school board, how to register, Korean cultural classes, etc

Promotional Poster Submission [Individual]

- Poster Design Contest for 2020/2021 Korean Credit Program at YOUR SCHOOL

- Must include the name of school, class information, school address & name of school board, how to register etc

3. How to submit and Length Requirement

Ø You can find the official application form on contest site.

4. Judgement & Prizes

○ Judging Process: The panel of judges is composed of those who have expertise in each category.

* Contest Judging Criteria will be adherence to topic, quality of the contents, relevancy, meaningfulness, clarity, conciseness, creativity, and impression etc

○ Prizes:

5. Submission

5.1. When to Submit? May 8 to June 30, 2020 (midnight, EST)

※ No late submissions will be accepted

5.2. How to Submit? Online submissions accepted via the 2020 Korean Credit Program Video & Poster Contest site

- Find each category you want to submit (Video contest or Poster design contest)

- Fill in your official application form and upload your work to proper category

※ The file should be named in the following order: name of applicant, category and title of your work

※ If you post your video to your Youtube channel, please include the url in the application form

5.3. Documents Required

- Online Application Form: ‘Announcement’ tab on 2020 Korean Credit Program Video & Poster Contest site → fill in

- Works: submit it as in file format

(※ The file should be named in the following order: name of applicant, category and title of your work)

6. Winners Announcement and Ceremony

○ Announcement: The Prize Winners are to be announced on the 2020 Korean Credit Program Video & Poster Contest site as well as individually notified

○ Ceremony: Ceremony won’t be held due to the COVID-19

7. Additional Conditions

○ The copyright (i.e, author’s moral and property right) of all submitted works shall be owned by the author. However, the property right (i.e., right to reproduce, right of public performance, public transmission right, right of exhibition, right of distribution, and adaptation right) of ‘all awarded works’ shall be transferred to the Korean Education Centre, and awardees are to be compensated for transferring the property right by receiving the prize money.

○ Awarded works can be used by the Korean Education Centre for public interest, promotion, etc.

※ A collection of awarded works will be published (not for sale) and the works will be used for online contents.


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Education Affairs Section

Consulate General of

the Republic of Korea in Toronto

555 Avenue Road , Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 2J7 

T. 416-920-3809 / F. 416-924-7305 


Copyright ⓒ Consulate General of the Republic of Korea (Education Affairs Section)

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