2019 AKS Hanmun Program
The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) is pleased to announce the "2019 AKS Hanmun Program." As an important part of our mission is to nurture researchers, who will contribute to the development and globalization of Korean Studies, the academy has organized the "20419 AKS Hanmun Program (AKS Hanmun Fellowship, Jangseogak Hanmun Summer Workshop)" for international scholars in Korean studies. Those who are interested in the following programs held by the AKS, which is the global hub sharing Korean studies with the world, are very welcome to apply.
o AKS Hanmun Fellowship (2019. 9. 2. ~ 12. 20.)
- Submission Deadline: 2019. 3. 1. ~ 3. 31. 18:00
- Inquiry: jukpung@aks.ac.kr
o Jangseogak Hanmun Summer Workshop (2019. 7. 1. ~ 7. 19.)
- Submission Deadline: ~ 2019. 3. 11. 18:00
- Inquiry: hanmun@aks.ac.kr