Study and Work in Korea Program
We are introducing a Korean Language Program for Study and Work in Korea!
Korean Education Centre made partnerships with some colleges which have courses of K-beauty, K-entertainment, and K-food, etc.
Through this program, you are eligible for admission to enter colleges in Korea with scholarships. (for Universities in Korea, you are eligible for admission Korean Language Courses from the Universities with some scholarship)
Details - Class size will be 16 students per class - From January 29th to April 3rd for 10 weeks (40 hrs) - Registration fee: 200 CAD$ (Tax and Textbook are included/Registration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable) - The location will be Quest Language Studies (433 Yonge St, Toronto ON, M5B 1T3) - registration:…/korean-language-program-for-study-a…
If you have any questions, please email to us