The 63rd TOPIK - Test of Proficiency in Korean
1. Test Date : 2019. 4. 20 (Sat)
2. Test Schedule: See the table below
3. Test Location : University of Toronto St. George Campus & Mississauga Campus (Room# - TBA)
4. Application Period : 2019. 1. 3 (Thu) - 2019. 1.31 (Thu) 09:00 - 17:00
5. How to apply: online application - * For Korean language program students from the Korean Education Centre: Please contact the Korean Education Centre to receive your 50% discounted price
6. Remarks
① Complete the application fully
② Must submit your passport-like photo followed by the instruction (You may not be eligible for the test if you do not submit the photo) ③ Application fee - TOPIK 1 - $30 / TOPIK 2 - $40 (Credit Card Only)
※ Previous test download: