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2018-2019 한글학교/한국어학점반 채용정보 안내

TDSB - Saturday Credit Course

(Program date: Saturdays, September 22, 2018 to June 15, 2019 / 9:00 am to 12:30 pm)

1. Email completed application form, along with your résumé to 2. Please include a screen shot of your OCT Qualification Record with your application submission. 3. Please quote “Saturday Credit Courses” and include the name of the first choice International Language you are applying for. 4. School Location will be throughout TDSB. 5. Deadline for applications: 12:00 Noon, March 23, 2018

Application Form - Download

TDSB Careers:

Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board - Continuing Education - International Language

International Languages The Adult and Continuing Education Department offers classes for elementary and secondary students in 27 languages on Saturdays through the school year.

- See more at:

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York Region District School Board - International Languages Teachers & Instructors (Elementary & Credit)

- Position: Elementary and Credit International Languages Teachers and Instructors – Korean

- Work Location: Community and International Education Services, Various Sites

- Application Deadline: June 30, 2018

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