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Online Education Fair Korea 2016 - 2016年上半年网络韩国留学博览会

It is our pleasure to announce that NIIED will hold the [Online Education Fair - Korea 2016] for international students.

i) Name of the event: The First Biannual Online Education Fair – Korea 2016

ii) Date: 2016. 07. 18 (Mon) ~ 2016. 07. 29 (Fri), 2 weeks

iii) Introduction of main contents

- Promotional booth for Studying in Korea: information of studying in Korea and government scholarship programs, online consultation

- Promotional booth for Korean universities: real-time consultation, admission guideline for international students, online consultation

iv) Participating universities: 25

v) How to access and participate the online education fair (Please see the attachment)

- Visit the Study in Korea website ( to select the online education fair link

- Complete the registration and visit the website during the online education fair






- 韩国留学宣传展位:介绍韩国留学、韩国政府奖学金制度,进行网络咨询

- 大学宣传展位:实时入学咨询,介绍外国留学生招生简章,进行网络咨询



- 访问studyinkorea官方网站(后点击博览会链接。

- 注册(Registration)后博览会期间访问网站。

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